Southern Fried Days {1}

When Country Comes to Town
As I journey through this Southern Fried life, I amuse myself by capturing snapshots that strike me as funny or peculiar. Sometimes I share my musings with friends and most tend to be met with favorable response. I’ve had the idea to start a weekly series to share some of my favorite moments for a while now. Today Southern Fried Days (read: Southern Fri-Days) is born. 

My vision for this series is to host a fun place to stop over for a Friday laugh. I also envision featuring Southern Fried Day moments sent in by you!

About the Photo: I captured the above image a few years back near downtown Little Rock, Arkansas. While I was impressed with the all around ingenuity of form and function, I was mostly amused by the its juxtaposition against the urban downtown area in which it was entering. I couldn’t decide if the driver was a city boy heading out of town on a hunting trip, or a country boy heading in for a round of golf.
  • Paula@SweetPea
    October 13, 2012

    Maybe I shouldn’t admit it, but we had a trailer just like that one except that it was blue. We used it to get up hay or to haul wood.

  • Southern Fried Gal
    October 19, 2012

    Paula – it’s not just the trailer – it’s the whole thing! Did you notice the rigged rack on top of the vehicle? Too funny!

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