Get Out of the Comfort Zone

arkansas women bloggers
I found out late this past Friday that a group of Arkansas Women Bloggers were meeting at the Arkansas Museum of Discovery on Saturday from 11 – 1 and it was an open invitation.As soon as I found out and without thinking I decided to RSVP yes. After doing so, my head filled with chatter for the remaining waking hours.

I’m going. It will be fun. I really shouldn’t go. I’ve already committed. What if no one talks to me. What if I can’t stand up straight because of this darn knee and back injury? It will be so much fun to connect with other Arkansas ladies. I really want to meet my local twitter gals. Maybe I will learn something. What if I can’t find anything to wear? My hair is so gross – I really need a haircut. What if someone takes my picture? Maybe I won’t go. But I really should. Agghhh! Serenity Now!!!

On Saturday I reluctantly rolled out of the bed (at 10 am) and into the shower. I tried my best to talk myself out of going to the meeting but in the end good reasoning won out. I had DH drive Miss Daisy (that would be me) to the event so I wouldn’t have to hobble all over downtown. I tried to walk tall (thanks to the drugs) and with confidence but inside it felt like my first day of Junior High. Can you relate?

I saw a few familiar faces (@KatieMcManners @SavannahB @audcole @amybhole @kerrijack @kat22stl among others), all local Twitter buddies. We had not met IRL. I gravitated to them and introduced myself. We exchanged hugs and it felt like I had known these gals for years!

After being called into session by Stephanie (aka The Park Wife) we did an ice-breaker exercise that was much like speed-dating. I’ve been married for 10+ years so what the heck do I know about dating? It took me a bit to get warmed up and in the end I met some really cool gals like Kat @ Tie Dye Travels, Gina @ Desperately Seeking Gina (she did the fabulous photo collage above), Julie @ Eggs and Herbs (and Arkansas Women Bloggers), Fawn @ Instead of the Dishes (and Arkansas Women Bloggers), Pris @ Arkansas Ties and the gals @ Our Looneyverse!

Next, we grabbed lunch generously provided by the sponsors, Petit Jean Meats, Kroger, Momcation, Cupcake Crazy Arkansas and Boulevard Bread Company. All I can say is yum.

While we ate, LaTonya shared ideas for finding your voice on your blog. That girl is a hoot – I don’t care what her kids say! Then Kyran @ Planting Dandelions shared with us the satisfaction she receives from her blog, having influence, and how important it is to not dwell on blog stats. Can I get a witness?

There were lots of door prizes and I won a Beefalo Sampler! I’m not sure what that is exactly but it sounds like something my carnivores will enjoy.

I’m so happy I got out of the comfort zone, silenced the voices in my head (at least for a couple of hours) and enjoyed the fellowship of new friends.

Have you stepped outside your comfort zone lately? If not, get to it!

~Southern Fried Gal

This post linked up to Arkansas Women Bloggers.

  • Audreya
    December 14, 2010

    I’m so glad you came, too! And you’re definitely not alone. I have a conversation kind of like that every time I’m going anywhere I don’t know 100% of the people. It’s funny how comfortable we can be online and feel awkward in person. But once I get there, I almost always have fun!

  • The Park Wife
    December 14, 2010

    I am glad you came to the meetup too, it was so much fun. I look forward to having more blog fun with you in the future!

  • Julie
    December 15, 2010

    So glad you came! You will enjoy the beefalo! It is very lean and good!

  • Amy B.
    December 16, 2010

    I’m glad I got to meet you IRL!

  • Fawn
    December 16, 2010

    It was great to meet you! I think we all have similar feelings about going to an event like this. Luckily we all are brave women! The beefalo is awesome. My husband calls it “special beef” because he likes it so much better.

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