This year for Mother’s Day I played things a little differently. I asked for a gift of service from BBC which means DH had to be up for the challenge, too. Last year in early spring I realized I lost my azaleas, my dogwood, and several other plants in my secret garden. They just couldn’t hold up to the 90 inches of rain the prior year.

I was too depressed to do anything about it last year so the area was a mess this spring. I asked the boys to help me clean it up so I can start over. They cleared out the deadwood a couple of weeks ago but have been hindered to finish because of all the rain the past two weeks.

Today they finished the project by bagging up all the leaves, branches, and weeds. BBC wasn’t that excited about the project today. I am in physical therapy for a back injury so all I could do was hang out and encourage. Other than a few random side eyes from DH, I think we ended up having a good time after all.

We played with worms and had a buddy or two stop over to dine and drink. I was amazed at how close this dove was to us. It stayed there a long while. We also had a greedy robin taking the worms we uncovered.

This is BBC trying to coax one to perch on his finger. “Here birdie, birdie.” That child cracks me up. I’m so blessed to be his Momma!

This is probably the most expensive gift I’ve ever requested – in man hours. They hauled a dozen bags to the curb. The boys were exhausted but I’m a happy gal! I totally appreciate the labor of love. I’m a little nervous about the payback on Father’s Day, though.
What was the highlight of your weekend?
~Southern Fried Gal
May 9, 2011
These are the kinds of gifts that are priceless…Sometimes it’s not what comes in big boxes and purchased from a store that makes us happy…It’s the so called simple things that brings joy to our hearts..
Have a beautiful evening…
May 9, 2011
What a great gift! I bet your family enjoyed doing those things for you! So special.
May 9, 2011
Great Mother’s Day gift to you!
The highlight of my weekend was today…I got time with all my crew, time alone (a little but just enough) and no cooking all 3 nights:)
May 9, 2011
I love gifts of service and time. Sorry you are having back problems. Happy mother’s day.
June 3, 2011
Good Idea!